Island of Hoy Development Trust
Community Development Officer
Temporary Post for 2 years
28 hours per week
Pay year 1 – £12.75/hr
Pay year 2 – £13.26/hr
The Island of Hoy Development Trust is pleased to announce the recruitment of a Community Development Officer for Hoy and Walls. This is an exciting opportunity to work across the Community supporting existing groups on the island and working with all interested groups and organisations to develop our Community Action Plan, identify future priorities and assist getting ideas into action.
The successful candidate will be expected to have skills and previous experience in project management, community engagement and working with different stakeholder groups across the statutory, voluntary and independent sector.
Hours and days of working will be flexible and dependent on project demands.
For further details about the post please contact Moira Cossar, Treasurer IoHDT on Alternatively, the job description and person specification can be downloaded from the “News” section of the Trust website
Please apply in writing with a current CV either to or by post to:
Liz Davidson, Island of Hoy Development Trust, Revenge, Naval Hall, Longhope, Orkney, KW16 3PG
Closing date for applications is 17.00 Friday 22nd April 2022.
Please click CDO Job Description to download the job description.
Please click CDO Person Specification to download the person specification.
Registered in Scotland as a charity (SC038909)
Company Limited by guarantee (SC306586)
Registered Office: Revenge, Naval Hall, Longhope, Stromness, Orkney, KW16 3PG