
Car Park

Public toilets

Bothy – Open to the public for summer, no advance booking required, it may be used by a number of guests at any one time

Public telephone outside the Hostel

Cra’as Nest Museum

Walk to Old Man of Hoy and St John’s Head

Walk to Berriedale Wood and through the glen to Sandy Loch

North Hoy numbered map

  1. Pegal Burn & picnic area
  2. Betty Corrigall’s Grave
  3. Lyrawa Viewpoint
  4. Dwarfie Stane
  5. Rackwick Bay
  6. Old Man of Hoy
  7. St John’s Head
  8. Hoy Hills
  9. RSPB Hoy Reserve

7 thoughts on “Rackwick

  1. Hi – I was planning on staying in the bothy at Rackwick Bay as part of a trip to Hoy in November. Is it open all year round and if so will I be able to count on it being unlocked?
    Any help much appreciated. Thanks!

  2. Hello
    We’re coming to Hoy in March and wanted to stay at the bothy. We have two dogs so wanted to check whether they’re allowed in the bothy?
    We will also bring a tent so that if there’s anyone else staying at the bothy we can camp. Is it okay to pitch a tent on the greensward outside the bothy?

    Thanks for your help.

  3. Hi
    We are planning a camping trip at Ratwick at the end of the month and were wondering if the Bothy is currently open as one of my friends said we might need a key?, If so could you forward me a contact for that?


    • Hi Leon,

      The IoHDT do not manage the Bothy. The contact number for the Hoy Trust (a different organisation from the Island of Hoy Development Trust) is 01856 771201.



  4. I am planning a cycling tour of the Orkneys in 2025. We will be cycling to Rackwick from where we will walk along the path to view the Old Man of Hoy.

    During our walk, is there a recommended place where we can leave our bikes. please?

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