The Hoy & Walls Garden Club was originally set up thirty three years ago by Wright Atkinson and a few of the residents of Hoy & Walls.
At present we have 34 paid-up members and we usually meet on the first Saturday of each month except January.
During the year we have a varied programme of Talks, Displays and Garden visits both on Hoy and Mainland Orkney.
In either July or August we hold a Garden Party and a member will offer their garden for the event; everyone donates some food to the occasion.
In December we have our Christmas Lunch.
Every two years we embark on a trip south visiting gardens in areas of Scotland; these trips usually are 4 days duration.
Our Annual Subscription at the moment is £2.00 per year.
We have a committee of five elected members:
Chair Mr. R. Findlay
Vice Chair Mrs. S. Kettle
Treasurer Mrs. T. Bird
Vice Treasurer Mrs. J. Traynor
Events Co Ordinator & Secretary Mrs. M. Cossar
Our meeting dates are usually on the Island of Hoy Development Trust calendar with notices in the Shop, Surgery, and on the Ferry.
Anyone who is interested should come along to our meetings or contact one of the committee.