Part- time, Fixed Term Contract
Cleaner/Caretaker for YM/Longhope
Hours per week: 15
Salary: £9.50/hour
Funded until 31st May 2021
Closing Date 19th March 2021
Duties will include general cleaning and weekly safety checks. There will also be some keyholder duties. Hours are flexible and will be determined by the building activity.
For more information contact Kieran Sinclair, YM Project Officer on 01856 701356, ymprojectofficer@gmail.com
Applications may be emailed to the above address or posted to Revenge, Naval Hall, Longhope, Stromness KW16 3PG
To download the job description click YM Cleaner/Caretaker - Job Description
To download the person specification click YM Cleaner/Caretaker - Person Specification
Registered in Scotland as a charity (SC038909)
Company Limited by guarantee (SC306586)