Hoy and Walls Community Bus Service The Wednesday bus service on 15th August between Longhope and Hoy has been cancelled. Apologies for the inconvenience and the short notice. All other services between Longhope and Lyness will run as normal. Details of the community bus cancellation can be for printing etc.
Community Bus
Community Bus Cancellation August 2017
Hoy and Walls Community Bus Service The Wednesday bus service on 2nd August between Longhope and Hoy has been cancelled. Apologies for the inconvenience and the short notice. All other services between Longhope and Lyness will run as normal. Details of the can be downloaded for printing etc.
Community Bus Christmas and New Year Timetable Changes
For changes to the community bus timetable for Christmas and New Year, please see below.
Hoy and Walls Bus Cancellation 3rd August 2016
Please note that the service between Longhope and Hoy on Wednesday 3rd August 2016 has been cancelled. Many apologies for any inconvenience. All other services between Longhope and Lyness will operate as normal.
Hoy and Walls Community Bus Cancellation
Please note that the service between Longhope and Hoy on Wednesday 29th June has been cancelled. Many apologies for any inconvenience. All other services between Longhope and Lyness will operate as normal.