Community Fund Open for Applications
Community Fund Open for Applications The Community Fund is now open for the next round of applications, see for details.
The Blether – Issue 39
Please click for the Blether Issue 39 The October/November issue includes updates from the RNLI, Scapa Flow museum, IoHDT and lots more!
Community Survey Drop In Events
Your Community, Your Views, Your Ideas Community Survey Drop-In Events As a follow up to our community event on 3rd October, the IoHDT will be hosting 2 separate drop in events on Saturday 20th October. Come along and discuss, review, add and chat about the survey responses that the IoHDT received earlier on this…Read more Community Survey Drop In Events
IoHDT Open Meeting Wednesday 17th October
The next open board meeting of the Island of Hoy Development Trust will be held at North Walls Community Room on the 17th October at 8pm. ALL WELCOME
The Blether – Issue 38
Please click for the Blether Issue 38 The August issue includes updates from the RNLI, Scapa Flow museum, IoHDT and lots more!