DigitalBoost with Business Gateway

DigitalBoost is run in conjunction with Business Gateway and partners to offer you fully funded workshops, advice and support. For further information visit phone 01856 898595 or email   TWITTER & HOOTSUITE (Intermediate) For businesses that already use Twitter and wish to produce more engaging content, reach a wider audience and measure the effectiveness. Tues 19…Read more DigitalBoost with Business Gateway

Oceanallover – Sea Hames Outdoor Performance Project – Hoy 16th & 18th August

Sea Hames is the latest outdoor performance project from leading theatre company Oceanallover. Inspired by  ‘The Festival of the Horse and Boys’ Ploughing Match’ this multi-disciplinary performance fuses sonic composition, compelling performance and intricate costume to explore the equine traditions of Scotland. We’ll be performing at Earl’s Palace, Kirkwall (Thurs 17th Aug: 1 pm), Scapa Flow…Read more Oceanallover – Sea Hames Outdoor Performance Project – Hoy 16th & 18th August