The next open board meeting of the Island of Hoy Development Trust will be held at North Walls Community Room on the 24th April at 8pm. ALL WELCOME
The Blether – Issue 41
Please click for the Blether Issue 41 The February/March issue includes updates from the RNLI, Scapa Flow museum, Hoy Dancers and lots more!
March Office Opening Hours
Due to staff holidays, the office will be open on the following dates in March: 5th March 12-66th March 10-412th March 12-613th March 10-419th March 12-620th March 10-426th March 12-627th March 10-4 The office will open as usual from 1st April onwards.
Vacancy – Community Wellbeing Coordinator Required for Hoy and Walls
Enhancing Wellbeing within our Island Communities We are looking for 5 skilled and highly motivated individuals to work collaboratively with the project team to build capacity in the island's community to reinforce and enhance existing community led well-being services. For further details, including information about applying for this role, click the download below.